
Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Reflection About The Year

Reflecting about my year and my goals

This year we have done  lots of fun things like in Term One we went to year six camp to Hanmer Springs which was so fun.  We also did swimming  and done more learning.

Term Two we went  to Jelly Park and the Marae but  I didn't go because I was sick and in term three we had our really cool ski trip to Mt hutt and started a new maths interchange.

Term Three WE WENT SKIING!!!!!

Now it is Term 4 
Welcome back to TERM 4!!!! YAY      
I am so looking forward to new thing to learn and new things to do and more fun things to do with the whole school like when we went to Orana park. 
I have made a voki for you to listen to look down and click the link to watch it.                        

                                      Click to see my voki
I have thought about my goals for term 4 if you want to know them look down below there is three goals that I have set for myself.

 My Goals
1st: Try my hardest to keep learning  so I can  become a vet or a worker at a zoo.
2nd: is to stop talking in class when the teacher is talking.
I hoped you like my goals for term 4

This is my last year at this school which is sad This year has been the best year of the years I have been at Gilberthorpe even though I have only been at Gilberthorpe for 2 years because this is my second year at gilberthorpe. I am really going to miss this school :( with all the fun memories and the most most sad thing  is I'm leaving my bestie bestie behind  and the best teach ever.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Hannah, Hannah here! (Haha Double Hannah!)
    I will really miss you, even if we have had fights.
    This reminds me of when you first came to Gilberthorpe, I was so angry! But for the two years you have been here, I have enjoyed having another Hannah to make things more harder than what it should be.


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