
Thursday, September 8, 2016

Pak' N Save Visit

Pak N Save Visit
Today we went to Pak N Save prt which was  prt 2 of  Food for Thought If you don't know what I'm talking about look at my old post. Anyway Today we went to Pak N Save and we filled out a sheet on what food is good and what food is bad but now I will show you the sheet we filled out. After we filled out we looked at all the food that was not healthy and food that was healthy. I would like to show you some interesting facts so here they are 1.Something surprising was that Uno yogurt is not actually that healthy.2.The outside of boxes can lie because there was one cereal box that I saw and it said good and healthy fr the hole family but when I turned it around the label said it had about  30.4g of sugar.

Since the trip I have learn't  alot like be careful when you are shopping for what food you get like cereal and muesli bars.My next step would be to read food labels and under stand how to read it properly.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Hannah it's me Elham you blog buddy.
    I really like your post because you used really good words and you photo looks really good.
    Why you didn't put your self in the picture?


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