
Thursday, September 1, 2016

Pasifika Performance

Pasifika Performance

Rimu Class has done a quick story  using Vokis about  that we can't wait to do are Pasifika Performance on the 1st of september.   look down below to see my voki.
                                    Click to see my voki.
 Click on my writing to see my Voki


  1. Hi is's Mikayla from Rata class.
    I like how you made your voki and you made it say we are going to stand on the stage.
    Did you think about... how it will feel out on stage?

  2. Hi Hannah it me Elham you blog buddy.
    I like how you did a samoan person because we a samoan dance on that night.
    I wonder if we can make voki about performance again.


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